Monday, October 7, 2013

Multi Cast for any Blackberry with BB7.1

Blackberry launched the 9720 with an app called the Multicast which allows you to post to multiple social networks. But this app is currently available only on 9720 and not as an app or update on the other OS 7.1 phones.

Well actually there is a feature that lets you do a "multicast" right from the day the OS 7.1 was released and its called "social feeds". Social feeds is where you can consolidate your social network feeds from Facebook BBM and Twitter. It can also be used to a multicast. Simply click on "New Post" the BB Menu. It will allow you do select the network you want to post to and get done with it.

Only one limitation exists in social feeds app that multicast solved and that is the ability to attach pictures. I think there will be eventually an update for the older devices which will provide "Multicast" app.

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